
The new id6 website is now up and running !

March 18 2021

We have redesigned our website in a more modern way. We have added faqs and more detailed feature information for each of our products. I hope you will enjoy this new look and feel.

Xlator is available on the Mac App Store!

March 18 2021

Xlator, our first macOS Application, is now available on the Mac App Store.

This application has been designed to help small developper companies like us and indies to localize their apps by finding and copying translations from already translated information sources to their own projects.

This application represents the first milestone of our new coding environment.


iModelKit New and Updated charts available

October 15 2020

Some charts have been updated and a new one have been added :

Updated Charts ::

Tamiya paints: New paints added, Official Tamiya Equivalences Added

Tamiya Spray paints: New paints added, Official Tamiya Equivalences Added

Tamiya Lacquerpaints: New paints added, Official Tamiya Equivalences Added

Mr Paint: New paints, New colour values added

AK Real Colours: New paints, New equivalences added

ScaleCoat I: New paints, Colours added

ScaleCoat II: New paints, Colours added

Mission Models: Colours updated

XtraColor: Colours added

XtraCrylix: Colours added

Phoenix: New Paints, Colours added

Phoenix Military Colours: New Paints, Colours added

Cherry Paints: New Paints, Colours added

Phoenix: New Paints, Colours added

New Charts:

Mr Paint Aqua: New Acrylic range from Mr Paint

Mr Paint Figures: New Acrylic range for Figures from Mr Paint

Mr Paint Cars: New Lacquer range for Cars from Mr Paint

AK 3rd Generation: New range from AK Interactive

RoundHouse: Another range from Phoenix

Ammo Shaders: New Range from Ammo by Mig Jimenez

Humbrol Authentic Colours: Old range from Humbrol. A special Thanks to Steve Komor who has given us his scanned catalog.

Humbrol Authentic Railway Colours: Old range from Humbrol. A special Thanks to Steve Komor who has given us his scanned catalog.

As usual, updates are free.

iModelKit, iColorKit Next Release Information

October 15 2020

Unfortunately, we are and will be terribly late for theses releases. Here are the explanations:

The main reason for this is that a lot of changes have occurred in the Apple development environment these past 2 years. This happened right in the middle of our coding process based on older Apple Technologies. We had to decide either to continue with older technologies or use the new ones.

We decided to pause our development to take a look then thoroughly test these new technologies. At the end of this period, it has becoming more and more evident that the way to go was the new technology one. Because it brings a better vision for the future of the App as it provides a safer, faster and far more durable way to create and maintain code. It will also provides a faster, safer and simpler final application for the user with the bonus of being more portable for future full iPad and Mac releases.

But this means that we have to rewrite (again) a lot of our user interface code from Scratch. The benefits will be worth the effort but it will take time. So please, be patient !

Of course, new charts (for the current iModelKit release) will still be added and I hope Apple will continue to correct the compatibility bugs they have implemented in their new Os.

iModelKit New and Updated charts available

October 15 2020

Some charts have been updated and a new one have been added :

Updated Charts ::

Tamiya paints: New paint added (XF-91) 

Tamiya Lacquer paints: New paints added and varnishes corrected

Meng: New colour values added

Hataka: New paints and sets added

Citadel: New paints and sets added (Contrast,...). New Official colour values added.

IPP: Corrections to support Korean language.

New Charts:

Methuen: Colour standard for geology and nature. It has sometimes been used in WWI as a color standard for aviation. Our special thanks to Stuart Malone for sharing information.

Wilder: Weathering brand. Nitroline, Aqualine, Gunpowder, Textured Earth and Weathering oils paint  charts added.

As usual, updates are free.

Xlator Light is available on the Mac App Store!

March 20 2021

We now provide a demo release of our new Xlator App so that you can test it before buying the full release.

This is a free version of Xlator, with a limitation of translation results to 2 languages only. No other limitation have been added.

It is available on the Mac App Store.

iModelKit Updated charts available

April 22 2024

Some charts have been updated :

Tamiya Lacquer paints: New paints added

Tamiya Spray paints: New paints added

Tamiya PC paints: New paint added

Humbrol paints: Official Colour added, Official Humbrol Equivalences Added

Heller: New translations added, Paint Sets Added, Barcodes added

As usual, updates are free.

News about id6 projects

April 22 2024

We have had to face a lot of problems over the last 3 years, both personal, professional and even technical. But it seems that all this has now been resolved.

Huge changes have occurred in Apple's development ecosystem. Just as we were coding the next big version of iModelKit, Apple decided to redefine how to code on the iPhone, while not properly supporting the old code. This explains why the current version has some issues and why we can't update it now.

Unfortunately, Apple's new tools were also not stable enough until last year (I mean for the needs of complex applications like ours). We were therefore caught in the middle of the ford. We had to decide to abandon the new version of iModelKit and start preparing for the future by learning and mastering the new Apple tools. This means that we have to rewrite all of our applications and, also, a large part of our libraries from scratch.

We started with iColorKit because it's a sort of subset of the larger iModelKit application. We're at the final stage of the process: we've started deep debugging and tweaking. It will still take some time before reaching the App Store because it is the stage with the most uncertainties regarding time consumption. The app will be available on iPhone, iPad (in full-screen mode), and Mac (both as an app and Color Panel plug-ins). It will bring many new features, including an all-new, better, faster, palette-oriented color mixer.

At the same time, we started coding the brand new version of iModelKit (v 3.0). It will also bring many new features and will be available on iPhone, iPad and Mac.

Updates will be free (on iPhone) as usual. As the new iPad and Mac apps will be different, these versions will be available as free versions with additional paid features.

In the meantime, we had to and have recreated the tools needed to create and update charts. We will now release updates and new charts more regularly whenever we detect changes in the ranges. We started with the Tamiya, Humbrol and Heller ranges and will continue first with the most requested ranges.

iModelKit Updated and New charts available

October 8 2024

Some charts have been updated :

Vallejo Model Color: New paints, new colour values, new equivalences added

Vallejo Panzer Aces: Paint names updated, new colour values added

Vallejo Model Air: New colour values and new equivalences added

Vallejo Game Color: New paints, new Xpress colour, new colour values and equivalences added

Vallejo Game Air: Paint names updated, new colour values and equivalences added

Vallejo Model Wash: New paints and comments added

Vallejo Premium RC: Chart renamed, new colour values added

Vallejo Mecha Color: New colour values and equivalences added

Vallejo Metal Color: New colour values added

Citadel: New paints and new colour values added

The Army Painter: New colour values and equivalences added

Secret Weapon Acrylics, SMS weathering Products as well as Wilder ranges : Have been correctly made available on our Website.

Vallejo Hobby Paint: New range for spray paints. This replaces references previously located on other Vallejo charts

The Army Painter Speedpaints: New range for new Speedpaints products

AK Interactive Real Color: Brand new range to replace the previous AK Real Colour range. This is because AK have renumbered their previous Real Color Range. The older range is still available too

Green Stuff World: New brand.

Notice: We also have updated all charts to prevent a bug : During updates, under specific circumstances, official equivalences might have been destroyed and new ones not added. The charts are now corrected and Official equivalences will be updated correctly now.

Finally, iColorKit is now in its final stage of testing, debugging and optimising. Although this step is difficult to plan correctly in terms of time, it should be available in the next few month. iModelKit v3.0 coding is well under way now. To speed up things, we are trying to find a solution to bring a subset of the features before the final full App.

As usual, updates are free.